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Whole grain flour millstone grinding

Unlike regular flour, it retains ALL the fiber of whole grains and embryos. Contains 12 times more fiber and 5 times more trace elements and vitamins

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Enhances immunity. Improves metabolism. Stimulates digestion. Relieves stress. It normalizes the acidity in the stomach and the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. An anti-cold remedy that weakens the virus. Increases vitality

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Oat flakes

A source of energy, helps to cleanse the body. Oat flakes contain lots of carbohydrates, healthy protein and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Improves digestion. It normalizes blood sugar, lowers bad cholesterol, helps the heart and brain.

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Hamp seeds

Contains fatty acids Omega-3, 6, 9. A powerful antioxidant, superfood and energy. An unlimited source of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, the ratio of which is recognized by scientists as ideal for improving human health.

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An effective remedy for anemia. Source of Vitamin A and B5. Positively affect the work of the cardiovascular system. Strengthens immunity. Increase endurance

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Natural antioxidant. Tones the nervous system. Stimulates brain activity. Improves memory. Increases mood. Has antiviral and antibacterial effect

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Hamp seeds

Contains fatty acids Omega-3, 6, 9. A powerful antioxidant, superfood and energy. An unlimited source of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, the ratio of which is recognized by scientists as ideal for improving human health.

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